Sejsmiczne badania refleksyjne w morskiej i lądowej części wyniesienia Łeby


  • Danuta Żardecka


SEISMIC REFLEXION SURVEYS WITHIN MARINE AND CONTINENTAL PARTS OF THE ŁEBA ELEVATIONSummaryThe author discusses an attempt at a uniform presentation of the results of reflexion surveys made within the eastern part of the Polish Baltic sea area, and within the continental part of the Łeba elevation. Correlation of the time reflexion materials has been the first stage of the work executed. Then distribution of mean velocities has been worked out, common for both marine and continental profiles. The distribution has been based on the latest data from drillings, and the solution accepted has conditioned V(h) function upon time, during which reflexes from the near-top Zechstein formation have been recorded. The possibility and necessity of connecting the eastern area of study with the previously elaborated results of the works made along the western marine profiles have also been taken into consideration. The research works resulted in the elaboration of depth schemes of the key reflexion horizons A and Or (Figs. 1 and 2), which illustrate the position of the Palaeozoic formations in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic sea area and within the adjacent continental areas.



