Przyczynek do zjawiska deformacji warstw skalnych na obszarach sejsmicznych


  • Janina Łyczewska


A CONTRIBUTION OF THE PHENOMENA OF ROCK BED DEFORMATION WITHIN SEISMIC AREASSummaryEarthquake phenomena have been analysed and the following characteristic elements of these phenomena have been taken into consideration: 1 - rectilinear or arcuate zones of shocks, at plates several hundred kilometres long; 2 – multiplicity of seismic shocks along the same lines; 3 - irreversible effects of earth shocks in the form of displacements, deformations, and dislocations of rock beds; 4 – amount of liberated energy during the seismic shocks (annually 12 units 1026 erg on the average, maximum - up to 60 units 1026. Deposits in the sedimentary basins are uninterruptedly displaced and undergo segregation due to a continuous and common vibration (N. Oulianoff). On the other hand, intensified seismic impulses set the rock beds in vibration-ascending motion directed towards the shores of the sedimentary basins. Strong seismic shocks are responsible for the grouping of the rock beds at the shores of the basins, and for the reversal of beds (a fold), or for a bending of beds and a subsidence without inversion. In both cases are initiated overthrust nappes, the gravitation flow of which is commonly known and elaborated. The presented seismic hypothesis of the formation of foldings would explain a series of phenomena observed within the folded areas mainly, however, the following ones: origin of reverse folds, overthrust nappes, and foredeeps; plasticity of foldings along several ten kilometres; harmonious course of mountain chains; differentiation of foldings within one rock complex; dislodged slices; wedging-out phenomena; digitations; admixtures of exotic rocks, etc. The acceptance of the above hypothesis would considerably affect the new conception as to the dynamic phenomena and diastrophism of the folded areas, and would point to the zone of seismic shocks, and to the zones of resistance masses that make the frameworks of the sedimentary basins.



