Badania palinologiczne osadów zastoiskowych z okolic Bolkowa


  • Zofia Jaworska


PAILYNOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF ICE-DAMMED LAKE DEPOSITS IN THE VICINITY OF BOLKÓW (THE KACZAWA MTS.)SummaryThe purpose of the palynological analysis of the deposits found to occur in a brick-yard at BoIków (Fig. 1) was to explain the presence of pollen grains and spores, as well as to determine, on the basis of the sporomorph assemblage examined, whether the deposits in study are to be referred to the Upper Miocene or to the Quaternary. The analysis comprised 37 samples of fine-grained sands, clays and loams (Fig. 2, Tab. 1). The assemblage of sporomorphs worked out is not a homogeneous one, and it does not represent plants either of a uniform environment or of the same age. The sporomorphs represent an assemblage of the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary plants (Tab. 2). The sporomorphs assemblage in study comes from deposits of different age, which have found themselves on the way of the glacier and then have been destroyed. The palynological analysis of the deposits from the brick-yard at Bolków confirm the previous opinions by A. Jahn (1960) and H. Teisseyre (1969) that the deposits under consideration are of Quaternary origin. In the light of the research works here discussed, the Upper Miocene age of these deposits seems to be groundless (S. Dyjor. A. Sadowska 1968).



