O nowym stanowisku paleocenu w Iławie (woj. olsztyńskie)


  • Michał Marzec


ON THE NEW PALAEOCENE SITE AT IŁAWA (OLSZTYN DISTRICT)SummaryThe article deals with the results of lithologic-stratigraphical research of the Tertiary profile, and the description of the Quaternary deposits pierced by bore hole Iława made by the Hydrogeological Entecprise in Gdańsk. Of particular interest is here the Tertiary profile, in which at a depth of 246,0-300.0 m the Lower Palaeocene (Montian)deposits have been encountered and documented. The deposits are developed as gaizes, calcareous marls and limestones with cherts. The overlying sedimentary member, most probably of Upper Eocene age, is built up of marine deposits as non-calcareous fat claystones, green-grey in colour, and 21,5 m in thickness. The Lower Oligocene deposits, determined on the basis of lithologic comparative studies, 34,5 m in thickness, consist of marine silty-arenaceous deposits and of glauconite sands with an admixture of coarser quartz grains, and with single phosphorite concretions. The formations of the upper part of the Tertiary - probably of Middle Oligocene age - 39,0 m in thickness, are different, frequently of brackish or near-shore character, and of varying lithological composition. They are built of day sands, silts, arenaceous siltstones with glauconite, frequently with an admixture of crushed fragments, detritus and fine particles of charred plants. The Quaternary in this profile reaches down to 130.0 m and is developed in the lower part as sandy boulder clays and fluvioglacial sands with gravels. These deposits are overlain with a series of varved clays and ice-dammed lake silts.



