Ciepłe wody podziemne w utworach kredowych okolic Łodzi


  • Zbigniew Dadak


THERMAL GROUND WATERS IN THE CRETACEOUS DEPOSITS FOUND IN THE VICINITY OF ŁÓDŹSummaryThermal ground waters have been encountered in the Cretaceous deposits in the vicinity of Łódź. According to bore-hole observations the temperature of these waters amounts to 26° C. A thermal character of the waters dri1led at Ozorków should be referred to a deep flow within the Lower Cretaceous aqifer, directed from the alimentation area, within the eastern margin of the Ozorków bay, to the Lower Bzura river in the vicinity of Ozorków. Water of the Lower Cretaceous horizon, heated during their wandering, pass to the Cainozoic formations and then they are drained by the Bzura river. There is only a slight possibility to use the Ozorków waters in practice. However, there is possible to find thermal ground waters within the central areas of the Łódź trough. Particularly favourable conditions to search for such waters occur within the Grabia river valley, the vicinity of Łask, where ground waters characterized by a temperature amounting to more than 40° C can be expected to appear in the Lower Cretaceous deposits. 



