Prognoza geologiczna zasobów mineralnych jako podstawa prognozy zabezpieczenia potrzeb mineralno-surowcowych kraju


  • Eugeniusz Wutcen
  • Stefania Dembowiecka


GEOLOGICAL PROGNOSIS OF MINERAL RESOURCES AS A BASIS TO ENSURE MINERAL RAW MATERIAL DEMANDS OF THE COUNTRYSummaryThe article shortly presents the general results of the prognostic research works concerning the possibilities of ensuring the future demands for mineral raw materials in Poland. Generally, there are given principles accepted during the elaboration of the prognosis of mineral resources of Poland, and of the prognosis of the mineral potential of the country up to the year 2000, as well as of the prognosis of the balance of this potential in 2000. As a result of these works the present-day classification of mineral raw materials is presented according to the assurance degree of the demands for the mineral raw materials from 1972 to 2000. Moreover, there are also given conclusions as to the general economic prognosis of the development of the country. 



