Własności inżyniersko-geologiczne utworów kredowych okolic Chełma Lubelskiego


  • Stanisław Rybicki
  • Janusz Rybicki


ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF FORMATIONS FOUND IN THE VICINITY OF CHEŁM LUBELSKISummaryThe Cretaceous formations found to occur in the vicinity of Chełm Lubelski are developed mainly as chalk. Since they occur at the surface they are interesting from the engineering-geological point of view. On the results of field examinations both character and directions of fractures in the chalk are discussed, and the classes of the fractures and the coefficient of fracture density are determined. On field observations the depth of weathering profile of the chalk has been examined, and its vertical variation has been given. During laboratory examinations both physical and mechanical properties of the chalk have been determined and probable chalk compactness in the massif according to the character and density of fractures has been calculated on the basis of the formulae for structural weakness. The work comprises also the problem related to building damages in Chełm Lubelski with reference to the chalk formations.



