Stratygrafia dewonu w otworze wiertniczym Solarnia IG-1 na podstawie konodontów


  • Alina Siewniak


STRATIGRAPHY OF DEVONIAN IN BORE HOLE SOLARNIA IG-l DETERMINED ON CONODONTSSummaryConodonts have been a basis to determine Middle and Upper Devonian age at deposits pierced in bore hole Solarnia IG-1 near Lubliniec. Deposits situated at a depth of 847,20-847,60 m are thought to be of Lower Frasnian age - horizon to Iα - to Iβ. At a depth of 847,60 - 851,60 m and a depth of 867,0-873,0 m conodonts have not been encountered. Beginnig with a depth of 873.0-879,1 m there is found a mixed assemblage of Middle and Upper Devoniain conodonts, thus the closer definition of the age of these deposits is rather difficult. The conodonts encountered from 879,1 to 880,1 m and from 977,0 to 1180,2 m allow the deposits to be referred to the Middle Devonian, most probably to the Givetian. Conodonts are absent in the deposits at a depth of 1180,2-1457,0 m.



