Niektóre parametry fizyczne osadów czerwonego spągowca monokliny przedsudeckiej


  • Andrzej Miesztalski


SOME PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF THE ROTLIEGENDES IN THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINESummaryIn order to define the criteria of evaluating the gas content of the Rotliegendes series within the Fore-Sudetic monocline area accurately, a detailed analysis has been made of all available data that determine the physical properties of the reservoir horizons of the period. These investigations have been based on the results of laboratory measurements of effective porosity and permeability, the results of bore-hole geophysical surveys, the descriptions of drill cores and of drill cuttings, the results of petrographical examinations, and the complementary measurements of effective porosity, made using acoustic method on drill cores. The above data allowed the author to distinguish, within the Rotliegendes formations if the Fore-Sudetic monocline, an arenaceous series ranging in thickness from several to more than 400 metres, regularly occurring at the top portion of the Lower Permian deposits penetrated. In the present article this series is tentatively called “the Sub-Zechstein arenoceous series of Rotliegendes”. Of this series, relatively well penetrated and with a high core recovery, a lot of parameters have been analysed. They have been gathered, completed, accurately analysed on the basis of logging data, and then averaged for each drilling. The average results of effective porosity and permeability of rocks if the Sub-Zechstein arenaceous series of Rotliegendes, as well as its thickness and occurrence depths are presented in Table 1. These data have been used for construction of diagrams in order to explain their relationships (Figs. 1-5). The results obtained from the above diagrams can be, along with the isopachyte and isopor sketch of the series under examination (Fig. 6), an important element during determination of further directions in search for hydrocarbons within the area considered.



