Przyczynek do znajomości gatunku Nauropteris scheuchzeri H o f f m a n n


  • Alina Kotasowa


CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SPECIES NEUROPTERIS SCHEUCHZERI HO F F M A N NSummary1An analysis of the fossil flora gathered in the Janina mine (Upper Silesia) at the top portions of the Wiktor 118 Aleksy 119 (bottom of the Libiąż Beds) is a basis to draw interesting conclusions concerning, among others, also the species Neuropteris scheuchzeri H o f f m a n n. This species occurs in a considerable amount at the tops of both seams. Isolated leaflets of the last row make here even carpet-like accumulations, so characteristic of the bahaviour of the leaflets of the last row in the species Peripteris gigantea (S t e r n b e r g) G o t h a n, or Peripteris schützei (P o t.) G o t h. Some small fragments of feathers of the lower rows can rarely be encountered. Thus, it seems to be understood that among so abundant leaflets of this species, no terminations of feathers could have been found, allowing the neuropteris to be referred either to the group Neuropterides imparipinnatae, or to the group Neuropterides paripinnatae. Specimen shown in Table I, Figs. 7 and 7a, as well as its drawing in the text, comes from the top of the seam Wiktor 118, and represents a fragment of the patch-like and leaflet of the second or third order. By this shape it resembles the specimen presented by Croocall (1959, Table LVII, Figs. 1, 1a) determined as Neuropteris scheuchzeri H o f f m a n n  (= Odontopteris Lindleyana S t e r n b e r g) or that presented by J. P. Laveine (1967, Table LXIX, Figs. 4, 4a).  The presence of bristly hairs, characteristic of the species Nauropteris scheuchzeri H o f f m a n n, is the common feature of all the specimens mentioned before. A review of the rich list of synonyms in the paper by R. Croocall (1959) and J. P. Laveine (1967) allows us to state that this is a species distinguishing itself by a considerable variability of leaflets. In this connection, although the shape of the leaflet presented in Table I considerably differs from that of most specimens, it no doubt belongs to this species. A detailed review of the specimens found by the author as well as illustrated by such authors like R. Zeiller (1886-1888), P. Bertrand (1930), R. Croocall (1959) or J . P. Laveine (1967), whose schematic drawings are presented in the article (Figs. 1-6), allows the species Neuropteris scheuchzeri H o f f m a n n to be referred to the odd-pinnate (imparipinnatae) neuropteris representatives. According to the recent subdivision by J. P. Laveine, they belong to the group Neurodontospermae.



