Analiza pyłkowa osadów interglaciału eemskiego w Grodzisku Mazowieckim


  • Zofia Janczyk-Kopikowa


POLLEN ANALYSIS OF THE EEMIAN INTERGLACIAL IN GRODZISK MAZOWIECKISummary Quaternary lacustrine and paludal deposits have been encountered in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, situated about 30 km south-west of Warsaw. Pollen analysis allowed the author to ascertain that these deposits had been laid down during the Eemian Interglacial. The results of the pollen analysis are presented in Table 1 and Table 2, and illustrated on pollen diagrams (Figs 1 and 3). The character of vegetation reconstructed on the preserved pollen grains and spores points to a type picture of the plants distinctive of the Eemian Interglacial. Possible gaps in the interglacial plant succession are due to too large distances between the individual samples.In Central Poland both lacustrine and paludal deposits with the flora of Eemian Interglacial age are frequently found. The nearest are profiles from Warsaw (J. Raniecka-Bobrowska, 1954; Z. Borówko-Dłużakowa, 1960), situated, as compared with those from Grodzisk Mazowiecki, to the north-east, and the profiles from Gołków situated to the south-west (Z. Janczyk-Kopikowa, 1966; S. Z. Różycki, 1968) and those from Góra Kalwaria (M. Sobolewska, 1961). North of Grodzisk Mazowiecki a locality called Falbogi is situated (Z. Janczyk-Kopikowa, 1967) together with the neighbouring village Główczyn (J. Niklewski, 1968), and west and south of Grodzisk Mazowiecki are found Eemian Interglacial deposits in Łęczyca, Łódź and Skierniewice. To these belong also Piaski Stare (S. Jewtuchowicz, 1970), Skaratki(W. Chmielewski, 1961), Józefów (M. Sobolewska, l966) and Skierniewice (Z. Borówko-Dłużakowa, 1965). These numerous sites well ilustrate S. Z. Różycki's opinion (1967) that the landscape of Central Poland was in the last Interglacial time similar to the present-day lake district of the country. The new interglacial sites encountered in seven profiles in Grodzisk Mazowiecki are a succeeding phase of reconnaissance of the Eemian Interglacial in Poland.



