Enklawy w skałach kwarcowych w północnym nasunięciu Barcinka (Pogórze Izerskie)


  • Jerzy Kotowski


INCLUSIONS IN QUARTZ ROCKS IN THE NORTHERN BARCINEK OVERTHRUST (IZERA UPLAND)SummaryQuartz rocks discussed in this paper occur within the Izera Upland, Lower Silesia (Fig. 1). The quartz rocks contain: phyllites, mica schists, gneisses, amphilbolites along with diaphthorites, greywacke schists, conglomerates and at places acid volcanites and their tuffs. The above rocks are far the most part interpreted as autochthonous inclusions (Figs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8). The quartz rocks have been formed due to silification of inclusion rocks. The silification processes have been followed by hydrothermal generations of quartz veins. The quartz rocks consist of two generation series of quartz: a) metasomatic-recrystallization series, and b) hydrothermal series. The quartz rocks are located within the overthrusts I have interpreted before (J. Kotowski, 1972). The overthrusts had been formed during the Young Assyntic folding process. The quartz rocks were formed beginning with the Young Assyntic movements up to the Variscan movements inclusive. In the quartz rocks are found skialiths characterized by the flat-paralrel structure. The parakinematic B-lineation of the feldspar-quartz aggregates is older than the feldspar parakinematic B-lineation in the gneissic inclusions. The parakinematic B-lineation and the microdislocations are older than the silification. Before the Young Assyntic movements the B-lineation had been locally reoriented. During the Young Assyntic movements the B-lineation underwent regional reorientation within the Izera metamorphicum.



