Budowa geologiczna okolicy Różanki koło Strzyżowa


  • Jan Jasionowicz


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN THE VICINITY OF RÓŻANKA, NEAR STRZYŻÓW (CENTRAL PART OF THE POLISH CARPATHIANS)SummaryStrzyżów depression, being a syncrinorial zone within the Skole nappe, is built up of the folded Upper Krosno Beds (Oligocene), the Menilite Beds (Oligocene) or, rarely, green schists (Upper Eocene), being found in the cores of a few folds only. The area of Różanka represents a small part of the Strzyzów depression. It consists in the south-western and north-eastern areas of thick-bedded Krosno sandstones, which are the lower part of the profile of these beds, and of a schist-sandstone series that represents their upper part (Fig. 1).Four patches have been ascertained to occur in the synclines of the Krosno Beds at Różanka, their facial and tectonic deposits belonging to the Sub-Silesian nappe (J. Jasionowicz, 1968). The patches are built of various formations, tectonically strongly complicated, represented by: 1. The Węglówka marls, red and ashen-grey in colour, with the Senonian fauna with abundant representatives of Reussella szajnochae (Grzyb.); 2. Red marls with intercalations of clay shales revealing microfauna representatives with Cyclammina amplectens (G r z y b.) of Middle Eocene age, and some younger associations comprising abundant globigerinae; 3. Grey, ashen-grey and greenish marls with the Middle and Upper Eocene microfauna.The occurrence of the Sub-Silesian nappe deposits in the synclines of the Krosno Beds within the Skole nappe suggests that the deposits of the Sub-Silesian nappe have been redeposited in this region still before the ultimate folding of the Krosno Beds within the Skole nappe.



