Niektóre Mollusca z wapieni z serii wapiennej i wapienno-iłowcowej górnego wizenu (Góry Świętokrzyskie)


  • Halina Żakowa


SOME MOLLUSCA FROM THE CALCAREOUS AND CALCAREOUS-CLAYEY SERIES OF THE UPPER VISEAN AT GAŁĘZICE (ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS.)SummaryA calcareous series exposed in the Gałęzice syncline and a caleareous-clayey series encountered in bore holes Gałęzice 3, 4, and 5 rest on the Tournaisian deposits, at plates also on the Famennian ones, and under the deposits of zone Gog (H. Żakowa, 1970, 1971). From organogenic and organodetrial limestones were gathered samples of very rare nekton and also rare pelecypod fauna (Table 1). In the limestones were found gastropods determined by A. Gromczakiewicz-Łomnicka. Most gastropods, pelecypods and cephalopods were collected from limestones on hill Todowa Grząba (H. Żakowa, 19711, Fig. 1; 1974, Fig. 1). Mllusca from the calcareous-clayey series were taken from claystone intercalations, for the most part from those situated immediately on the Tournaisian deposits (bore hole Gałęzice 3, depth. 183,45–185,45 m). Some of the Mollusca considered are illustrated in Tables I-III.From the limestones 64 specimens of gastropods were collected. On account of a bad preservation state only 10 species have been distinguished among the not too abundant representatives. They point to the Visean age. Except for the species of the genus Naticopsis they were cited by A. Gromczakiewicz-Łomnicka (1967, 1969, 1973) from the Besówka Hill and from an exposure. The pelecypods (64 specimens), through of various quality are represented in the 35 distinguished taxons mainly by single specimens. To the not described forms from the Carboniferous of Poland belong: Pteronites lepidus (G o 1 d f u s s) and the specimens determined as Dunbarella? aff. granosus (S o w e r b y) and D? cf. eximius (S o w e r b y). The latter can represent new species like Myalina (?Myalina) sp. and Streblochondria sp. Except for the forms of the genera Pteronites and Posidonia, other taxons of pelecypods are characterized by a wide vertical range. Coniconchia are known from the Carboniferous, being preserved as fragments of casts and flattened moulds.Cephalopods are represented by Nautiloidea and Ammonoidea. The former are observed as simple forms (9 specimens) and 4 fragments of whorls of the coiled forms. Among the Ammonoidea representatives 144 specimens of Goniatites were gathered, and the determinable specimens were referred to 10 taxons, herein to 4 genera that belong to the families Goniatitidae and Dimorphoceratidae (H. Żakowa,1974). The goniatites prove the author's opinion, presented already on the basis of other evidences, concerning the development of the calcareous facies in the Gałęzice syncline at the zones Goa and Gob. This was documented for the north-western part of the syncline, where a tectonic shortening of the limestones sections also appears (test pit XXI). This can be a common phenomenon, comprising various portions of the zones mentioned above, also in the south-eastern part of the syncline.Here, on account of the lack of appropriate stratigraphic evidences the problem of subdividing the limestones sections is still disputable (Table 1). For the time being the limestone sections examined in test pits situated in the south-eastern part of the syncline are referred to various horizons on the basis of the general geological reasons (mainly on the interpretation of maps) except for some scare evidences from the test pit XIV (H. Żakowa, 1974). 



