Przegląd wybranych zagadnień geologii Tatr


  • Zbigniew Kotański


REVIEW OF SOME SELECTED PROBLEMS IN THE GEOLOGY OF THE TATRA MTS.SummaryTatra Mts., are one of the mountain massifs situated in the Internal Carpathians.They consist of a crystalline core the High Tatra cover and the overthrusted Sub-Tatra Units. The crystalline core consists of magmatic and crystalline rocks of Hercynian age. The core is overline with the High Tatra series built up of the Mesozoic rocks (at few palces a1so Permian has preserved). The High Tatra series is of an intrageoanticliar character (stratigrapical gap between the Triassic and Jurassic). A para-platform facial development of the Triassic formations is characteristic.The High Tatra formations can occur in their original sedimentary position on the crystalline core (the High Tatra autochthon) they can be torn off the basement, folded into synclinal folds and dragged away (the High Tatra parautochthonous folds), or they can be overthrust and make the High Tatra nappes (Czerwone Wierchy and Giewont nappes). Palinspastic reconstruction demonstrates that the width of the High Tatra series amounted to more than 30 km (Fig. 1).South of the High Tatra series the Lower Sub-Tatra series was laid down in an intrageosyncline maximum deepened at the Dogger and Malm time. The series is very analogous to the deposits of the lower East-Alpine nappes. The width of the Lower Stub-Tatra series amounted maximum to 50 km. South of the series a fairly narrow intrageoanticlinal Vepor series was situated. This series can be compared with the middle East-Altpine one. The Vepor series separated the Kriżna intrageosyncline from the Cho¹ one. The Cho¹ series is an equivalent of the lower nappes of the upper East-Alpline series. The Cho¹ series along with the Vepor series, are part of the Middle Sub-Tatra series. The Upper Sub-Tatra series is an equivalent of the upper nappes of the upper East-Alpine series.The source of this series was situated south of the Cho¹ series. More to the south there stretched a sedimentation zone of the Gemer series – an equivalent of the uppermost East-Alpine nappes. Both the High-Tatra series and the Sub-Tatra series disclose a miogeosynclinal character.The scale nappe style is that preodominating in the structure of the Tatra Mts. (Figs 2 and 3). The numerous partial nappes and scales are accompanied at their bottom by synclinal folds torn off in part, always closed from the south and open northwards. This undoubtetdly proves that the nappes were overthrust from south to north. The folding style is very rigid, thus proving that it could have originated under surface conditions, maybe accompanied visibly by a gravitation factor.  



