Zależność wskazań profilowania neutron-gamma PNG od porowatości dla wapieni malmu z centralnej części Niecki Nidziańskiej


  • Andrzej Szczerba


DEPENDENCE OF THE NEUTRON-GAMMA LOG ON THE POROSITY OF MALMIAN LIMESTONES FROM THE CENTRAL PART OF THE NIDA TROUGHSummaryResults of correlation-regression analysis of the relationship of the prosity Kp to the relative intensity of neutron-induced gamma radiation dIng are reviewed.The geophysical results and laboratory tests of Malmian carbonate rocks from 10 boreholes from the central part of the Nida trough have been utilized to study this relationship.The regression equation dIng = f(Kp) and the nomogram to determine the porosity Kp on the basis of neutron-gamma Log or neutron-gamma and gamma logs, when the correction for the content is to be considered, have been also presented. 



