Wyniki badań hydrochemicznych na obszarze obniżenia podlaskiego


  • Ewa Sieciarz


RESULTS OF HYDROCHEMICAL RESEARCHS CONDUCTED ON THE AREA OF THE PODLASIE DEPRESSIONSummaryThe Podlasie Depression has recently become the main subject of complex geological researches. The research program took its origin in the last decade of 1950's. The preponderant emphasis was put, on this side of researches which concerned the determinations on perspectives related to occurrences of hydrocarbon agglomerations. The total number of the penetrated deep bore-holes was roughly estimated as several. All these bore-holes were also used for hydrogeological examinations of the horizons belonging to the agglomerated rocks of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic age. This research scope somewhat narrowed for the technical and economic reasons gave no chances, however, to a full recognition of the hydrogeological conditions occurring in the Podlasie Depression, but provided the appropriate data for determining hydrochemical properties pertained to ground water percolation. A considerable part of the researches has been made on the Cambrian deposits being estimated as the most perspective for prospecting of hydrocarbon agglomerations. The analysis of the investigation results has been prepared by the author herself while mainly concentrating upon the Pułtusk-Mielnik geological cross section. Moving along eastward when tracing the cross section one may encounter the Russian resistive bore-hole - Kustin 1. Roughly speaking it is the cross section which is nearly parallel in its course to the main axis of the Podlasie Depression Unit. Within the area of the Podlasie Depression one may easily notice the clear-cut zoning of the ground-water occurrences. The deep boundary of the infiltrating waters reaching the Cambrian deposits has been ascertained in the eastern part of that area. Moving westwart one may encounter the tremendously significant increase in mineralization and metamorphism of the adjacent waters. This increase in mineralization and metamorphism is proportional to the depth of the infiltration. Strongly metamorphosed brines appearing in the Jurassic formations are ascertained in the western part of the Podlasie Depression. The analysis of the extent of each water-bearing zone occurrence featuring varying properties may allow for drawing conclusions on directions water infiltration derived from the Mazury-Suwałki and Łuków-Wisznice uplands, and moreover, on isolating the area having better perspectives for real discovery of hydrocarbon agglomerations.



