Utwory kredowe Sudetów Środkowych i Zachodnich jako zbiorniki wód podziemnych


  • Michał Różycki
  • Jerzy Milewicz


CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS OF THE MIDDLE AND WESTERN SUDETIC PART AS THE GROUND WATER BASINSSummaryThe hydrogeological conditions in the Cretaceous formation of the Sudetic Mountains have been thoroughly characterized in this article from the viewpoint of the entire geological structure of that region. These formations are considered as the main ground water basins in the pre-Tertiary deposits of the Sudetic Mountains occurring on both sides of the state border. Several water-bearing sandstone horizons occurring in the Cretaceous deposits closely related to lithostratigraphy (Tab. 1) are hydraulically joined together by fault fissures within the occurrence area of dislocations. The jointy sandstones of the Kłodzko Basin feature the highest values of hydrogeological parameters. From the two main sedimentary basins in the Sudetes: Intra-Sudetic and Northern-Sudetic Trough, much better hydrogeological conditions can be indicated in the first Trough (especially in the Nysa Kłodzka Graben and Stołowe Mountains) by comparison with the second one. Because of the complexity in tectonics of that region, especially the faults, the hydrodynamic conditions in the Cretaceous deposits are extremely complex and insufficiently explored, particularly the ground water circulation treks as well as the quantitative conditions. Teh ground water reservoirs are drained by numerous fissure-filtration and fissure-fault springs. Ground waters in the Cretaceous deposits feature a changing mineralization which reaches the lowest value in jointy sandstones and the highest one in carbonate rocks. The special hydrochemical problem concerning particularly the Cretaceous deposits is referred to mineral water (acidulous springs).



