Genetyczne wskaźniki mineralizacji W -Sn-Mo na obszarze karkonosko-izerskim


  • Andrzej Kozłowski
  • Łukasz Karwowski


GENETIC INDICATIONS OF TUNGSTEN-TIN-MOLYBDENUM MINERALIZATION WITHIN THE KARKONOSZE-IZERA BLOCKSummaryThe mineralization of tungsten-tin-molybdenum type together with sulphides has been ascertained within the Karkonosze granite situated in the area of the Karkonosze-Izera Block. The tungsten mineralization together with cassiterite has been also ascertained in greisens occurring in metamorphic cover. The cassiterite-type mineralization is well-known in chlorite-mica schists occurring within the cover area. In the terrain of study one may encounter the evident symptoms of sodium-type metasomatosis and then the symptoms of solvent action pertained to solutions enriched with fluorine, boron and carbon dioxide. Upon this basis the authors claim the common source from which all these processes stemming and try to combine them with the Karkonosze granitoid massif. The Karkonosze-Izera Block makes up the granitoid massif with the developed ore-bearing zones in late magmatic derivates system of ore-bearing quartz veins, metasomatites and the cover with a designated aureole of the influence of mobile components. The authors consider the Karkonosze-Izera Block as the perspective area for prospecting concentrations of such minerals as tin, tungsten and molybdenum. 



