Zastosowanie metod geoelektrycznych przy poszukiwaniu złóż surowców stałych na przykładzie prac w Sudetach i w Górach Świętokrzyskich


  • Stanisław Wybraniec


EXAMPLES OF APPLICATION OF GEOELECTRICAL METHODS TO EXPLORATION FOR SOLID MINERALS (SUDETES MOUNTAINS AND ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MOUNTAINS)SummaryThree typical examples of application of the geoelectrical method to exploration for solid minerals are reviewed. The first two examples are illustrated by the surveys completed in the Sudetes Mountains to explore for kaoline related to weathering of the granitoid massifs. Geoelectrical methods proved helpful in exploration for Lower Devonian quartzitic sandstones in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. In all these cases electrical sounding and profiling was adopted. In addition, development trends in geoelectrical methods for solid minerals purposes both worldwide and in Poland are briefly reviewed. 



