O występowaniu zmetamorfizowanych utworów górnego dewonu i dolnego karbonu w Górach Kaczawskich


  • Maria Chorowska
  • Leszek Sawicki


ON THE OCCURRENCE OF METAMORPHOZED UPPER DEVONIAN AND LOWER CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS IN THE KACZAWSKIE MOUNTAINSSummaryAt Rząsiny near Gryfów Śląski (western part of the Kaczawskie Mountains - Fig. 1) conodonts have been found in limestones hitherto regarded as Cambrian. The sedimentary series containing these limestones is composed of: 1 - clay and sandy metashales, 2 - grey phyllites and black carbonaceous metashales, 3 – grey limestones, 4 - grey phyllites and green metashales, 5 - diabasic metatuffs (Figs. 2, 3, 4). On the basis of conodonts the following divisions have been stratigraphically documented within the limestones: the lower Famennian, the Cheiloceras and possibly Platyclymenia zone - toII - toIV and at least the upper portion of theLower Tournaisian, the upper member of the Gattendofia zone - cul, the Siphonodella - triangulus triangulus zone. On the account of the presence of the species Ancyrodella buckeyensis S t a u f f e r in the stratigraphically lowest Famennian limestone beds, the black metashales underlying these limestones have been classified into the Frasnian. All the rocks of Rząsiny show a similar grade of metamorphism (the low epi zone) and are intensely folded. Thus the presence of stratigraphic divisions (Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous) so far unknown in the Kaczawskie Mountains points to the continuation of geosynclinal flysch-like deposition in the Western Sudetes mountains at least through the Tournaisian. Lithological and stratigraphic analogies exist between the rock series considered and that of the Jitrava area (the Jašted foothllis, Czechoslovakia) described by J. Koliha (1929) and I. Chlupač (1964). The occurrence of the Lower Tournaisian in the Kaczawskie Mountains combined with the studies of diastrophism in the Świebodzice depression, Intra-Sudetic trough and East Sudetes mountains indicate the major significance of the Nassau phase for the tectonic development of the Sudetes mountains.



