Podział litostratygraficzny utworów węglanowych retu na północno-wschodnim obrzeżeniu Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Janusz Pomykała


LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC DIVISION OF THE ROET CARBONATE SEDIMENTS IN THE NORTH-EASTERN BORDERLAND OF THE UPPER SILESIA COAL BASINSummaryDepositional conditions of the Roet carbonates in the north-eastern borderland of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (Fig. 1) are discussed in the present paper. Previous views on the division of the Upper Silesia Roet are followed by the suggestion to divide the Roet into three marly beds alternating with three dolomite beds. The Lower Roet embraces the marl I, dolomite I, and marl II beds, whereas the dolomite II, marl III, and dolomite III beds have been classified into the Upper Roet. The division suggested by the present author is based on insoluble matter content in the rocks and coincides with electrical profiling results.



