Formy akumulacji międzylobowej w rejonie Suchedniowa


  • Józef Lewandowski
  • Andrzej Romanek
  • Mieczysław Studencki


FORMS OF INTER-LOBE ACCUMULATION IN THE SUCHEDNIÓW AREA, THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MOUNTAINSSummaryFollowing the topography of the basement the glacier sheet of the Middle Polish Glaciation invaded the Suchedniów dale (the northern part of the Mesozoic borderland of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains) by two lobes. In a narrow and variable space between these lobes the initial dammed-lake type accumulation was followed by fluvioglacial, glacial debris and limnoglacial accumulation. The accumulation processes resulted in a sizeable, genetically complex inter-lobe moraine that adheres to the southern slope of the knoll built of Triassic rocks and closing the dale from the north. During the step-by-step waning of the glacier sheet a number of kame terraces were formed attached to the slopes of the moraine and of the hills surrounding the dale. Their origin is due to accumulation activity of melt waters under conditions of hindered marginal outflow. The Eemian Interglacial erosion excavated the Kamionka valley preserving the marginal accumulation forms that impart a glacial character to the topography of the western part of the dale.



