Kopalny zespół quasi-sargassowy z warstw menilitowych jednostki skolskiej Karpat polskich.


  • Anna Jerzmiańska
  • Janusz Kotlarczyk


FOSSILS OF THE QUASI-SARGASSO ASSEMBLAGE IN THE MENILITE BEDS OF THE SKOLE UNIT, POLISH CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINSSummaryAn attempt to interpret the co-occurrence of deep water fish (Myctophidae, Gonostomatidae, Sternoptychidae, Gemphylidae), pelagic fish (Clupeidae, Carangidae), and shallow water fish (Syngnathidae) as well as of pelagic algae (Phaeophyta) is presented. The authors compare the assemblage derived from the Oligocene of the Polish Carpathian Mountains with that expected to accumulate nowadays at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea. On the grounds of serious analogies between the anticipated tanatocoenoses of this sea and the examined fossil assemblage the latter has been named the Quasi-Sargasso assemblage. According to the present authors the formation of the Quasi-Sargasso assemblage can be related to various stages of the algae evolution. Either large fragments of algal meadows were detached from the shore and drifted towards the open deep sea (together with the co-existing shallow water fish fauna) or the algae formed populations capable of self-dependent existence in the open sea. In the latter case they would constitute a habitat for autochthonous and already pelagic fish fauna. The first concept calls for repeated detachment and drift of algae during a long period towards the same area. The second possibility is supported by the occurrence of algal fragments without skeletons or even scales of Syngnathus in the older bathypelagic sediments of the Menilite beds (from the Jasło shales horizon upwards).



