Związek objawów bitumiczności fliszu z budową tektoniczną wschodniego Podhala


  • Leonard M. Mastella
  • Bernard Koisar


RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BITUMEN SHOWS IN THE FLYSCH AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE EAST PODHALESummaryThe work area forms the eastern part of the northern limb of the Podhale flysch synclinorium situated between the Tatra Mountains and the Pieniny klippen belt (Fig. lA). A number of lower order tectonic zones (Fig. 1B) formed due to vertical movements of the blocks of the flysch basement (Fig. 2) follow the E – W direction of the synclinorium. Asphaltite intercalations, oil shows, and gas seepages have been reported from the Podhale flysch. The epigenetic nature of the bitumens has been pointed out.The present authors found a close relationship between bitumen shows and the tectonics of the Podhale flysch (Figs. 1, 2). The bituminous smell has been noted in rocks in relatively uplifted areas, in heavily fractured rocks, and along big N – S faults. Oil shows are related to compressed joint fissures in the downthrown sides of big reverse faults. Asphaltites occur chiefly at the contact with the Pieniny klippen belt and along major fault zones as intercalations in sandstones (Tab. 1, Fig. 1) or ground on slicknslide surfaces. The bituminous substance is composed mainly of aliphatic, naphthene, olefin, and aromatic hydrocarbons (Fig. 3). Additionally the asphaltites are accompanied by paraffin substance and hydrothermal authigenic quartz crystals with bituminous inclusions (Tab. 1, Fig. 2). The above is indicative of the redeposition of asphaltites to have been contemporaneous with the crystallization of co-occurring minerals. As the asphaltites correspond to the first stage of mezokatagenesis it may be presumed that the bulk of the bituminous substance occurs in the basement and in the deeper parts of the fiysch. The mobilized bitumen fractions could have partly been locked in tectonic traps in the axial zone, in the Peripieniny flexure zone, and at the contact with the Pieniny klippen belt.



