Przegląd flory karbońskiej z otworów wiertniczych Sosnowiec IG 1 i Goczałkowice IG 1


  • Anna Kotasowa


REVIEW OF THE CARBONIFEROUS FLORA FROM THE SOSNOWIEC IG 1 AND GOCZAŁKOWICE IG 1 BOREHOLES (UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN)SummaryThe Sosnowiec IG 1 borehole is situated in the north-eastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The portion of the drilling core sampled for floristic examinations represents the Flora beds (232.00 – 617.00 m), the Sarnów beds (617.00 – 820.00 m), and the Malinowice beds (820.00 – 1 690.00 m). The boundary between the upper and the lower Malinowice beds has been set at the depth of 1 393.00 m. Below the lower Malinowice beds Lower Carboniferous carbonates have been encountered. The first two members belong to the Marginal beds while the Malinowice beds represent the Culm marine sediments. Among plant remnants 14 species have been distinguished representing Lycopsida, Sphenopsida, Pteridophylla (Polypodiopsida and Lyginodendropsida). Plant fossils that are of stratigraphic significance can be divided into two groups. The first contains fossils found in the Viséan and in the lower part of the Namurian A: Sphenopteridium dissectum, Neuropteris antecedens and Archeocalamites scrobiculatus. The other group embraces species of the Namurian A: Eleutherophyllum mirabile, Lyginodendron fragile, Sphenophyllum tenerrimum and Stigmaria stellata. The Namurian A fossils appear already in the lower Malinowice beds (1 630.30 m - Eleutherophyllum mirabile). Down to the depth of 1 649.10 m Viséan - Lower Namurian forms occur while typical Namurian forms have not been encountered. Following the phytostratigraphic criteria used hitherto (W. Gothan, 1952; W. Remy, V. Havlena, 1962) the beds above 1 630.30 m belong to the Upper Carboniferous and represent the Namurian A. The Goczałkowice IG 1 borehole is situated in the southern limb of the main trough of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The floristic record is derived from the lower part of the paralic series of the Culm terrigenous sediments. The paralic series comprises the Grodziec beds (1 040.20 m), the Flora beds (1 366.00 m), and the Sarnów beds (1 470.20 m) that belong to the Namurian A. In the terrigenous series the upper Malinowice beds belonging to the Namurian A (1 563.00 m) and the lower Malinowice beds classified into the Upper Viséan (l 898.50 m) have been distinguished. The floristic record bas been collected from the depth of 1 052.10 to 1 887.00 m. The species defined can be classified into two groups with index species and those characteristic of the Namurian A in the first group and the Viséan-Namurian species occurring from the Viséan to the top of the Enna marine level of the Marginal beds in the other. The species that appear at the depth of 1 052.10 to 1 314.20 m are characteristic of the whole Namurian A (Sphenopyllum tenerrimum, Stigmaria stellata). It is at the depth of  1 315.00 m where Lyginodendron fragile appears typical of the lowest levels of the Marginal beds and the Kijowice beds in the Czechoslovakian part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, its lowermost appearance being the Enna marine level. At the depth of 1 315.00 to 1 850.00 m the Namurian being the Enna marine level. At the depth of 1 315.00 to 1 850.00 m the Namurian species (Lyginodendron fragile and Eleutherophyllum mirabile, Diplotmema adiantoides, Stigmaria stellata and Sphenophyllum tenerrimum) co-occur with the Viséan - Lower Namurian species (Archeocalamites scrobiculatus, Diplotmema dissectum, Sphenopteridium offidium, Sphenopteridium silesiacum, Rhodeopteridium moravicum). 



