About the Journal

The policy of the Geological Quarterly is to publish significant contributions of information and geological insight relevant to an international readership. The journal has been issued since 1957 at the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute and, at present, is the leading Earth sciences journal in Poland. All aspects of Earth and related sciences, and universal and broad regional rather than locally oriented topics are covered.

The journal is intended to be an international forum for the exchange of information and ideas, particularly on important geological topics of Central Europe.

The Geological Quarterly is abstracted and indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded including the Web of Science, Research Alert, Current Contents/(Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences), American Geological Institute/Bibliography and Index of Geology, Elsevier/GeoAbstracts, GEOBASE, BIOSIS UK/Zoological Records, and Geological Bibliography of Poland.

IF 2022 = 1.0  37/48 in Category Geology (Rank by Journal Citation Indicator: 38/61)

Score of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education = 100


Raising the scientific standard of the journal "Geological Quarterly" – a financial task under the agreement RN/SP/0430/2021/1 funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, designated for the "Development of scientific journals."

Podnoszenie poziomu naukowego czasopisma „Geological Quarterly” – zadanie finansowe w ramach umowy RN/SP/0430/2021/1 z funduszy Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, przeznaczone na „Rozwój czasopism naukowych”.




Current Issue

Vol. 68 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-08-06


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