Peryt, Tadeusz Marek
Geological Quarterly Vol. 21 No. 2 (1977) - Articles
Procesy neomorficzne w utworach onkolitowych wapienia cechsztyńskiego syneklizy pery bałtyckiej
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 65 No. 4 (2021) - Articles
The stratigraphy of Zechstein strata in the East European Craton of Poland: an overview
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 57 No. 4 (2013) - Book Review
Geologic History of Florida: Major Events That Formed the Sunshine State Albert C. Hine
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 21 No. 4 (1977) - Articles
Cechsztyn w rejonie Wrocławia
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 25 No. 1 (1981) - Articles
Cechsztyn w otoczeniu bloku przedsudeckiego
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 3 (1976) - Articles
Osady caliche w wapieniu cechsztyńskim zachodniej części syneklizy pery bałtyckiej
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 25 No. 3 (1981) - Articles
Dolomityzacja osadów wapienia cechsztyńskiego w rejonie Wrześni
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 25 No. 4 (1981) - Articles
Mikrostruktury stromatolitów i onkoidów z wapienia cechsztyńskiego Polski północno-zachodniej
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 22 No. 3 (1978) - Articles
Skondensowane profile wapienia cechsztyńskiego w północnej części monokliny przedsudeckiej
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 56 No. 1 (2012) - Articles
Geochemical and foraminiferal records of environmental changes during the Zechstein Limestone (Lopingian) deposition in Northern Poland
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 56 No. 2 (2012) - Articles
Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the basal Zechstein (Lopingian) strata in Northern Poland and its global correlation
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 56 No. 4 (2012) - Preface
Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Polish Carpathians – and beyond
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 22 No. 1 (1978) - Articles
Zarys stratygrafii cechsztynu niecki północnosudeckiej
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 25 No. 4 (1981) - Articles
Stromatolity w wapieniu cechsztyńskim monokliny przedsudeckiej
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 58 No. 3 (2014) - Thematic issue
Controls on basal Zechstein (Wuchiapingian) evaporite deposition in SW Poland
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 41 No. 4 (1997) - Articles
Possibility of sequence stratigraphic subdivision of the Zechstein in the Polish Basin
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 58 No. 3 (2014) - Thematic issue
Polyphase dolomitization of the Wuchiapingian Zechstein Limestone (Ca1) isolated reefs (Wolsztyn Palaeo-Ridge, Fore-Sudetic Monocline, SW Poland)
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 58 No. 3 (2014) - Preface
Geology of evaporite-bearing formations - a tribute to Aleksander Garlicki
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 60 No. 2 (2016) - Preface
Sedimentary geology in Poland – a tribute to Piotr Roniewicz Part 1
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 60 No. 4 (2016) - Thematic issue
Microfacies, foraminifers and carbon and oxygen isotopes in a basinal section of the Zechstein Limestone (Wuchiapingian): Bonikowo 2 borehole, western Poland
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 61 No. 3 (2017) - Thematic issue
Preface 17th Czech-Slovak-Polish Palaeontological Conference October 20-21, 2016, Kraków, Poland
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 56 No. 3 (2012) - Articles
Foraminiferal colonization related to the Zechstein (Lopingian) transgression in the western part of the Wolsztyn Palaeo-Ridge area, Western Poland
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 56 No. 4 (2012) - Articles
Neptunian dykes in the Middle Miocene reefs of western Ukraine: preliminary results
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 56 No. 1 (2012) - Articles
The relationship of brine chemistry of the Pennsylvanian Paradox Evaporite Basin (southwestern USA) to secular variation in seawater chemistry
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 58 No. 3 (2014) - Thematic issue
Foraminiferal and palynological records of the Late Badenian (Middle Miocene) transgression in Podolia (Shchyrets near Lviv, western Ukraine)
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 60 No. 2 (2016) - Thematic issue
Foraminiferal and palynological organic matter records of the Upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) deposits at Anadoly (marginal part of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin).
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 65 No. 1 (2021) - Articles
Foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy of the upper Badenian–lower Sarmatian strata in the SE Polish Carpathian Foredeep
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Geological Quarterly Vol. 68 No. 1 (2024) - Articles
The Badenian/Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) boundary in the Central Paratethys (Kreminna, western Ukraine): Foraminiferal and palynological evidence
Abstract PDF