The Ferdynand6w Interglacial in Poland

Zofia Janczyk-Kopikowa


During the removing of the overburden in the western face of the Bełchatów mine, the Quaternary lacustrine and boggy sediments named "Buczyna pod brukiem" have been exposed. The pollen analysis of these sediments has shown, that they have represented the same pollen succession which has been illustrated by the pollen diagram from Ferdynandów. Owing to the characteristic pollen spectra from the interglacial climatic optimum it may be stated, that the floras of Ferdynandów and "Buczyna pod brukiem" are of the same age. The sediments of Ferdynandów Interglacial at Białobrzegi on Pilica river, Sosnowica and Podlodów have also been taken into account.

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