Spore-pollen and phytoplankton analysis of the Upper Miocene depositsfrom Józefina (Kraków–Silesia Upland, Poland)

Elżbieta Worobiec, Przemysław Gedl


Pollen grains, spores and phytoplankton from the Neogene succession of a borehole at Józefina (northern part of the Kraków–Silesia Upland, Poland) have been studied. The composition of the pollen spectra and the mutual ratio of palaeotropical and arctotertiary elementssuggest a Late Miocene age. Among the pollen grains, there are significant elements characteristic of riparian forests (Pterocarya, Caryaand Liquidambar) and mixed mesophytic forests (Pinus, Fagus and Carpinus). Such a pollen and spore association suggests a temperateand mid-wet climate, cooler than during the Early and Mid Miocene period, but still warmer than the present-day climate of Poland. Thismakes the pollen-spore association from Józefina comparable with XII climatic phase represented by the Carpinipites-Juglandaceaespore-pollen zone. The occurrence of aquatic plants and freshwater algae (e.g., Sigmopollis, Zygnemataceae and desmids) indicates alacustrine palaeoenvironment.


Poland; Miocene; palaeoenvironment; stratigraphy; freshwater algae; pollen grains

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